Payment Profile

The Payment profile allows you to track and manage Payment information. This topic covers the information displayed in the profile and links to the topics describing actions that you can perform on the profile page.

Payment Profile Information

The Payment Profile displays the following information:

Field Description
paid by Displays the full name of the customer. Click the linked name to go to the customer's Individual Profile.
transaction code Displays the netFORUM-generated, numeric code for this transaction.
transaction date Displays the date and time this transaction happened.
batch Displays the full name of the batch used to process the payment. Click the linked batch name to go to the Batch Profile.
source code Displays the user-entered source code.
media code Displays the user-entered media code.
payment notes Displays the notes the user entered while adding a payment.

The Payment Information Section provides the following information:

Field Description
payment method Displays the selected method of payment.
payment amount Displays the currency amount for this payment.
check number Displays the check number the user enter when adding a payment.
routing number Displays the routing number of the bank that the payment is coming from.
account number Displays the routing number of the bank account that the payment is coming from.
name on check Displays the user-entered name of the customer.

Payment Profile Actions

You can perform the following actions from the Payment Profile:

  • Edit the Profile
  • Void a Payment
  • Create a Non-Sufficient Funds (NSF) Record

Payment Child Forms

The child forms section of the Payment Profile contains one tab: Details.

Details Tab

Use the Details tab to view details about the payment. The Details tab has the following child forms:

  • invoice line items
  • overpayment credits
  • payment details
  • adjusted/voided payment details
  • credits used